Engage Afterschool at EHMS

☀️We are offing a Sunrise Yoga class next Friday, March 12th from 6:30-7:00 am! One day. Mats provided. This is available to all students and teachers at EHMS. Students do not have to be ENGAGE participants to join. Please sign up here (or DM) or sign up through Mr. Hale at school.☀️#UTExtensionAfterschool#ENGAGEAfterschoolTN Source

Use Afterschool Time to Boost School Success

Research shows that children who attend afterschool programs have higher achievement scores and success in school. That’s why our programs exist! Learn how: https://www.kidcentraltn.com/education/school-readiness/use-afterschool-time-to-boost-school-success.html #UTExtensionAfterschool#ENGAGEAfterschoolTN Use Afterschool Time to Boost School Success Source

ENGAGE students have been learning about abstract art! We studied the life and t

ENGAGE students have been learning about abstract art! We studied the life and times of Wassily Kandinsky and used his work in concentric circles as inspiration. We also practiced using 3 types of balance in our artwork – radial, symmetrical and asymmetrical. Beautiful work, team. 👍#ENGAGEAfterschoolTN #UTExtensionAfterschool Source