For Parents

Everyone has heard the old cliché, that parents need “eyes in the back of their heads” to keep their kids safe and out of trouble. Well . . . think of as that extra, rear set of eyes. Check out all the fabulous resources here. For Parents Source

Last week, we started an urinalysis activity. Today we finished urinalysis by ch

Last week, we started an urinalysis activity. Today we finished urinalysis by checking 3 urine samples for the presence of glucose and calcium. Doctors check for the presence of these substances to rule out diabetes and kidney issues, respectively. Thank you, Dr. Rita Davis for introducing our scholars to different avenues of Science. Source

What better way to end the week than with culinary class and a evening at the pa

What better way to end the week than with culinary class and a evening at the park. They participated in the National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week hosted by Robertson County Health Council. Each day the completed a challenge based on curated materials in the Mind Matters series by National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Drug Addiction, U.S. Department … Read More