Everyone has heard the old cliché, that parents need “eyes in the back of their heads” to keep their kids safe and out of trouble. Well . . . think of safekids.org as that extra, rear set of eyes. Check out all the fabulous resources here. tiny.utk.edu/chsm1023#UTExtensionAfterschool For Parents Source
Last week, we started an urinalysis activity. Today we finished urinalysis by ch
Last week, we started an urinalysis activity. Today we finished urinalysis by checking 3 urine samples for the presence of glucose and calcium. Doctors check for the presence of these substances to rule out diabetes and kidney issues, respectively. Thank you, Dr. Rita Davis for introducing our scholars to different avenues of Science. Source
Acrylic pour paintings were a hit today! We have some very creative kiddos!
Acrylic pour paintings were a hit today! We have some very creative kiddos! ❤🖤 Source
What better way to end the week than with culinary class and a evening at the pa
What better way to end the week than with culinary class and a evening at the park. They participated in the National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week hosted by Robertson County Health Council. Each day the completed a challenge based on curated materials in the Mind Matters series by National Institutes of Health, National Institutes of Drug Addiction, U.S. Department … Read More
Today we finished up these kits. Many different projects, fun times and lessons!
Today we finished up these kits. Many different projects, fun times and lessons! Source
We had a little bit of a project fail. After 2 days of no results, we chose to u
We had a little bit of a project fail. After 2 days of no results, we chose to use glow in the dark paint from a previous project, paint rocks and continue creating these terrariums. The students were great sports about it! Source
We have worked hard on our animal habitats and exhibits. We are making a zoo ful
We have worked hard on our animal habitats and exhibits. We are making a zoo full of incredible creatures! Source
Life after Graduating High School: Alternatives to a 4-Year College
College after high school isn’t for everyone. There are several alternatives to post-high school life! tiny.utk.edu/hdsm1230 #UTExtensionAfterschool Life after Graduating High School: Alternatives to a 4-Year College Source
Adventures of Lancelot | A safe space for kids and their adults to learn about internet safety
Families, here’s a great (and fun!) resource to share with your student(s) about being safe on the internet. https://www.lancelotkids.com/ Adventures of Lancelot | A safe space for kids and their adults to learn about internet safety Source
Late Post: These 4H Bandanas came in handy for St. PATRICKS Day!
Late Post: These 4H Bandanas came in handy for St. PATRICKS Day! Source